Expert Maintenance Tips: The Best Option To Prolong Your Overhead Doors’ Life Spans

The garage is the safest place for your company’s vehicles, inventory, and other valuable items. Hence it is crucial to conduct a regular commercial overhead garage door maintenance at least once a year. This maintenance is necessary to minimize energy costs and create a more efficient work environment. Following these tips for overhead garage door maintenance, you can extend the lifespan of your commercial overhead doors.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Your overhead garage door has several moving parts such as hinges, rollers, torsion springs, and more. It will need proper lubrication to operate smoothly. Before applying a lubricant, ensure that the components are free from dust and debris by cleaning them thoroughly. Use the product designed for your garage doors, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. Apply lubricant at the pivot points of moving parts to keep it running smoothly. Careful lubrication of such components enhances garage door mobility and prolongs the life span.

Clear Debris From Tracks

Cleaning habits enhance garage doors’ curb appeal and reduce potential damage. Clean the tracks and rollers to make it operate smoothly. Clean the tracks using a gentle cloth while keeping the door closed. Afterward, open the door and eliminate dirt or debris from the lower tracks. To ensure smooth operation, apply a lubricant.

overhead door services

Tighten Any Loose Bolts

The bolts on your overhead garage door may loosen over time. It happens due to wear and tear or debris. Pay special attention to Mounting brackets, screws of the plates holding your swing-up door’s springs, and the screws holding the sections of your garage door.

Check All Pulleys and Cables for Wear and Tear

The pulleys and cables cooperate to operate your garage door’s opening and closing functions. It is essential to regularly check this system for any signs of wear as part of your garage door maintenance routine. Do you observe any fraying on the cables? Make sure to investigate the potential causes of damage. It is recommended to clean the cables and avoid using heavy lubricants that can attract dirt. Contact our professional garage door technician to replace any worn-out cables and springs. We are knowledgeable about the risks associated with torsion springs and are equipped to handle them safely.

Check the Door’s Balance

A garage door that is not properly balanced may lead to decreased performance and premature wear on its components. You can tell if your garage door is unbalanced if it moves unevenly or drops suddenly. In that case, you’ll have to call our professional overhead door services in Hanford to replace your springs and look for other signs of wear.

Look for Damaged Parts

Any harm caused to your garage door may result in a reduction in its overall lifespan. Check the rollers, Bolts, hinges, and other metal parts, and damaged panels and repair them as soon as possible.

overhead door services

Check the Weather Seals

The weatherstripping located beneath and surrounding your garage door effectively prevents drafts and pests from entering, thereby reducing your utility expenses. Contact our professional overhead door technician to replace the weatherstripping!

Look for Rust and Repair as Necessary

The majority of commercial garage doors are designed to resist rust. However, older doors may eventually succumb to corrosion. Instead of trying it on your own, it is advisable to review your warranty. Many warranties include coverage for rust repair, necessitating the assistance of a professional to address any corrosion that may arise. Alternatively, our skilled technician can assist you in determining the most effective course of action.

Contact MH Garage Doors to Maintain Your Overhead Garage Door

At MH Garage Doors, we offer commercial overhead garage door repair and maintenance for business owners in Hanford, and beyond. If you decide your business needs a garage door repair or replacement, explore our energy-efficient, high-quality overhead door services in Hanford. You can reach out to us online at or call (559) 315-6520 to schedule an inspection or request an estimate.